18 Dec 2020
Now that we are at the end of the semester, I am wrapping up my first semester of learning software engineering. I’ve definitely learned a whole lot about software engineering in these past four months. When I signed up for...
03 Dec 2020
Before taking the software engineering course ICS 314 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, I was not familiar with any of the concepts of software engineering, those concepts including design patterns. In this class, I’ve learned about many of...
07 Oct 2020
Semantic UI has helped me a lot to make sure my website actually looks good. Even though it is definitely not simple, in the beginning, to use Semantic UI, the results are more than worth it. The differents components of...
23 Sep 2020
I have just been introduced to coding standards and they have already made my coding-life easier. Coding standards are so much more than just the way your code looks. While many people see coding standards as the “rules” that describe...
10 Sep 2020
To get a good, useful, and smart answer to your question, you have to pose your question in a certain way. You can’t expect someone to give you the answer you need when you’ve asked your question in a very...
03 Sep 2020
If you’ve read my other other essay, you know I am not familiar with software engineering, yet. I am super excited about learning about software engineering, though. I am really excited to be able to build something using my programming...
02 Sep 2020
Taking ICS 314 at UH Manoa has really made sure that I am going to have to get used to javascript. Before I took this class, I did not have much experience with javascript. I’d heard about it before, but...